Examples of recent bespoke covert equipment custom built, some are built for operation in aircraft.
Full online mobile surveillance vest
This surveillance vest was build blind in a size 8 waistcoat format for a lady to wear to a series meetings. It was fully fitted out with equipment and once worn under loose clothing and accessorised was completely invisible.
The waistcoat was made from a patten in black cotton mix fabric, zipped front double lined for cables and extra pockets.
We used a 4 way DVR connected to a SSD for highest quality recordings, two button styled colour pinhole forward facing cameras, microphone, audio out feeding a loop for inductive link to a covert in ear receiver. Connected to the internet via 3G Router & Modem. The Operative was remotely controlled in real time. Location was logged using a GPS/GSM tracker.
The system was powered by 12V 8000mAh Lithium Ion battery.
The build instruction came in on a Wednesday, the blind build took place on Thursday delivery Friday morning in operation Friday Afternoon!

Tracker and camera Holdall - special build
This designer bag was fitted with a colour covert camera and audio recording with a requirement to record for 24 hours.
A GSM/GPS tracker was located in within the bag by the handle, the trackers motion sensor a 3 axis GSM feature was set to maximum sensitivity. The operation took place in Mayfair London in a very built up area where GPS signal is not its strongest. Every time the bag was touched or any slight movement a SMS was sent and video recorded.
Two people (House Manager and Maid) where dismissed relating to the theft of many tens of thousands in cash.

Drop and go 24 hour recorder
This surveillance device was built for quick deployment in a very limited time window. The device is prep'd away from site, once in the target zone it is quickly switched on the "black tacked" into position and then recovered later. It has 24 hours recording of HD video and clear audio until the battery is exhausted.
In a recent operation it provided the evidence needed to arrest 3 people for theft.

Bespoke equipment built for operation in or around aircraft are built to Portable Electronic Devices specifications, and CE approved & can if requested be certified to a higher level such as RTCA/DO-160G EMC
Catering trolley 16 hour recorder (early 2010 model)
This surveillance device was built for a client who had a problem with loses around catering trolleys, we built this solution (8 units) which resulted in a supreme success in that the organised crime gang where operating within a service delivery contract, they where defeated from within using this video.
The unit has two cameras viewing out along the edge, and records D1 video and audio on two channels to a SSD and is powered by a laptop battery.
*** The new 2017 unit is far smaller, records for ***
*** either 12 or 24 hours in HD realtime mode ***

Flower box systems - ASBO for councils
This surveillance device was built for a clients who wanted to operate within housing estates where issues require a covert CCTV solution.
The hide hosts a 2 or 3 camera system and can be customised to record and return to base for reviewing on a swap out basis or live transmit to the Internet.

Just a small selection of covert systems from over the years, new core components are much smaller, we are a bespoke custom builder, core components are off the shelf but being and remaining covert is top priority.